Our application portal will be closed for essential upgrades from 24th March until 28th April

During this time you will not be able to start or submit an application. Any applications that have not been submitted by 11.59pm on 24th March will be lost. You can start a new application when the portal reopens.

Panel Meeting Guide

The panel meeting guide is designed to help you to prepare for the panel stage of the application process. It outlines adjustments that you can request to ensure that you have the best chance of communicating your ideas and plans with us

A panel is a small group of people who make decisions together. This helps to make sure that decisions include different points of view, from experienced and relevant people. UnLtd panels are made up of social entrepreneurs and staff members who receive training in making fair decisions.

Your panel meeting will last 30-35 minutes. The panel members will be interested in four key areas. They will have read your application before you meet and will ask you questions about:

Social impact

The positive changes you aim to make for people, communities, or the planet and how you plan to do this. They may want to explore the changes you want to help people to achieve, how your activities make a difference, and how you know your work is having an impact.


How you plan to reach the people you aim to support and include them in your work. They may want to explore how you connect with your target audience, how much you involve them in the design and delivery of your work, and what are you doing to reach people with the greatest need.

Financial sustainability

How you plan for your social venture to make money to cover your costs. They may want to explore how much you have earned or fundraised so far, what products or services you plan to sell, what you know about your target customers, and how well you understand your running costs.

Beyond the funding

How UnLtd could support you to overcome barriers you may face. They may want to explore what other support might you need to realise your ideas, how you think you would benefit from UnLtd’s support, and about anyone else who is backing or supporting you and your social venture.

Consider accessibility

You can ask us to make changes to our process to give you the best chance of communicating your idea and plans with us. We are committed to making this panel meeting accessible for you, so if something you think would make a difference or reduce a barrier for you isn’t included in the list below, or you would like to discuss any adjustments in more detail please let us know by emailing: [email protected].

Adjustments we already make

Timing: you can choose the date and time for your panel meeting to work around your schedule using our online booking system.

Support: you are welcome to have someone with you, please provide their details when booking your panel meeting.

Get to know your panel: you will receive a short biography of each panel member so you know who you will be talking to on the day. The panel will include two experienced social entrepreneurs and two UnLtd colleagues, one who takes the role of Chair and does not participate in decision making.

Adjustments available to request

The adjustments listed below must be requested when you book your panel meeting by the deadline given in your invitation email. We cannot accommodate requests made after the deadline.

Pre-panel call: you can request a pre-panel call with the (non-voting) panel Chair, or a User Journey Support Manager, to ensure you understand the meeting process. Alternatively we are happy to answer questions by email.

Extra time: you can request up to 15 minutes extra time for your panel meeting.

Questions in advance: you can request that we send you any pre-planned questions. We will email them to you two working days in advance of your panel meeting. Please be aware that follow-up questions may arise during the meeting. If you prefer these can be sent via email after the panel, with a set amount of time to answer them.

Questions added to the chat: the panel Chair will add the questions into the ‘chat’ function for your reference during the panel meeting.

After introductions you will have five minutes to present to the panel. This will be followed by questions from the panel members, and you can ask them questions too.

The questions usually take around 20 minutes in total, the panel members have a lot of experience and are there to help you get your message across.

It’s ok to only share what you are comfortable with. For example, there is no expectation to share difficult memories or experiences. Your journey matters to us as we explore your story, needs, and potential.

At the end of the meeting you'll have a chance to ask any questions you might have about the process and the support on offer. You will also be given the date to expect a decision on your application.

Your five minute presentation

Chose any format that makes you most comfortable; slides, a video, or even a live tour. Practise sharing the most important points within five minutes.

Consider including

About you: a bit about you and why you want to make a difference.

About your social venture: the services or activities you provide and how you create social impact.

Your future plans: how your business model will sustain your work and your plans to grow your social venture.

UnLtd support: any specific areas of your social venture you would value our support with.

If you choose to share a presentation

Please follow our guidelines to ensure that it is accessible for all panel members:

Use as few slides as possible: try not to overload slides with a lot of information.

Use a pastel-coloured background: to make dark text easier to read.

Use a sans-serif font: such as Aptos, Arial, Calibri, or Verdana.

Ensure the font size is large enough: for all text to be easily readable by the audience.

Avoid using jargon: but if this is not possible explain terms clearly.

Please send the User Journey Support Manager team a copy of any files or presentations to [email protected] at least a day in advance as a back up, in case we need to offer you technical assistance during the meeting.

If you are successful: you'll receive confirmation of the amount you have been awarded, the budget and the details we need to be able to get the funds to you.

If you are unsuccessful: we will share a list of alternative potential supporters that you may wish to approach.

Whether successful or not: we will offer you specific feedback which we hope you can use in the future.