Our application portal will be closed for essential upgrades from 24th March until 28th April

During this time you will not be able to start or submit an application. Any applications that have not been submitted by 11.59pm on 24th March will be lost. You can start a new application when the portal reopens.


We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment. We will safeguard the welfare of all involved in our activities or services.

Our values

Our values underpin behaviours that create positive opportunities, engagement and outcomes for those that we work with and seek to support. Our staff are encouraged to report concerns, and to be brave and accountable in maintaining and promoting a focus upon the rights and protection of all individuals we work with and for.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility at UnLtd and we all play our part in ensuring that concerns are responded to positively and in an informed, proportionate and consistent way.

Our commitments

We always...

  • Recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all adults, children and young people.
  • Endeavour to promote an environment and services within which adults and young people are respected and valued.
  • Ensure that our workforce is alert to concerns and indicators of harm and/or abuse and implement this policy and procedures to ensure that all receive effective support, protection and social justice. Provide our staff training and information to enable them to meet their safeguarding responsibilities.
  • Ensure that UnLtd is compliant with all the legal and statutory requirements, and any extended duty of care, in relation to safeguarding.

This statement forms part of our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure and is endorsed by our Executive Team and Board.

Should you have any safeguarding concerns then please email [email protected] and a member of the safeguarding team will contact you.