The Entrepreneur Ship: the next generation asks the questions
By UnLtd employee, UnLtd position
It's not every day you meet someone rowing the Atlantic, and we couldn't resist the urge to ask a few questions of Guy & David before they set out on the phenomenal Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge. On top of attempting this feat, if they complete the challenge, they will become the oldest crew to row any ocean. As our world record hopefuls also have an incredible track record in enterprise, they have lots of wisdom to pass on.
But what to ask? To mark the crew reaching the fifth line of longtitude along the way, we gave the mic to some of the young entrepreneurs supported by UnLtd award winners, Ultra Education. Their aim is to ensure is that all children and young people have access to essential entrepreneurial education, regardless of their background. Here's what they asked, and how they answered.
Ambition - To do something amazing and try to maximise the benefits for all concerned.
Determination - To be focuesed on the task and plan ahead for success.
Resilience - To never give up.
As well as they above plus a host of other factors. For example, self-belief, common sense, detailed planning, teamwork and effective execution. Starting a business means juggling all of the elements required for success. A business is a combination of vision, purpose, product or service, people and finance. All of these need attention and a successful entrepreneur will need a good understanding of all of them in order to succeed.
We have seen the benefits that entrepreneurs can bring to communities - creating jobs and wealth, enabling philanthropy etc. To this, the ""social"" element can be added. Social entrepreneurs have many of the same objectives, but with a twist, focusing on issues that support beneficial change and creating a double or triple bottom line, benefitting people and/or planet, as well as building sustainable businesses in their own right.
A well-built and proven boat, fuel (in our case, food), solar power, a water maker and navigation and communications equipment. Just as in business, it would be foolhardy to attempt such an enormous challenge without covering all the necessary bases.
To get to our destination, to enjoy the journey, to start and finish as friends, to respect each other and the ocean, to claim a world record and to raise a substantial sum for our chosen charity, UnLtd. These objectives all have parallels in the world of business.
We also spoke to some of the young people about their entrepreneurial ideas and see below some of the fantastic ideas coming from the next generation.
I sell a range of stylish, on-trend jewelry pieces for girls aged 12-16. I also run a fashion blog that keeps tweens and teens up to date on the latest fashion trends
I enjoy the fact that it opens up a whole new world of opportunities and it gives me financial freedom and ultimate control of my future. I love the feeling I get from reaping the rewards of my own labour and it has encouraged me to view the world from a different perspective. I also love what I do, so being able to make an income from my passion is really satisfying
The world isn't perfect and probably never will be, however social enterprises are striving to solve social issues around the globe whether that's supporting disadvantaged children or helping to lower greenhouse gases and carbon-dioxide emissions. All of these things will benefit us now and in the future. The work they do is incredibly important and gives me hope in the idea that business is not all about money but is also used to generate goodness in the world.
I want to set up a business in cosmetology so I can help teenage girls to look after their face, hair and skin so that it will boost their confidence and self-esteem. We will talk about positive self-image and pride in where you come from.
I have had lots of help in my entrepreneurial journey and social enterprise allows me to give back in a really practical way.
To create a big pot of funding just for teenagers to start their own social enterprises in a way that's easy for them to access.
Guy Rigby & David Murray, are making the audacious journey, 3,000 miles across the Atlantic, becoming the oldest pair to ever row any ocean as part of The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.
Fundraising for UnLtd, the foundation for social entrepreneurs, they have already raised over £530,000. The proceeds raised will go towards helping social entrepreneurs from minority backgrounds, who have historically been locked out of funding to scale their ventures, with support to grow and raise investment. You can support them by visiting The Entrepreneur Ship on Crowdfunder.