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How has a pandemic changed the way we feed a city?

How has a pandemic changed the way we feed a city?

By Ruth Coustick-Deal, External Affairs Lead

Throughout 2020, individuals and organisations across the country found new ways to ensure food reached those in need. In Brighton & Hove, this work contributed to it becoming the first Gold Sustainable Food Place in the UK, recognising pioneering work around good food.

A network of community food organisations and individuals will be sharing their lessons and challenges the pandemic brought in a series of collaborative online events January - April. They are hoping that in 2021, these insights will change how cities are fed and food distributed.

‘The Fair Food Forum’ a series hosted by UnLtd, the foundation for social entrepreneurs, will bring together key figures in the community food sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities triggered by the pandemic, as well as the learnings we can take to improve food distribution in the future. 

The purpose of this series is to tell the stories of the many organisations that work in this sector and to encourage a joined-up approach to making food fairer in Brighton & Hove and beyond, taking learnings from the response to COVID. These events have been made possible thanks to the support of players of the People's Postcode Lottery. 

Each event will bring together key people working with Brighton & Hove's community food sector to discuss opportunities, challenges and solutions and to connect them with other community food ventures, supporters and customers across the UK. To register for the events, please go to our Events page or click the links below.

The events feature a series of live panel discussions, followed by participatory events to showcase local ventures, share their stories and create a space to share support and understanding. Guests include Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, Brighton Food Factory, HISBE and The Bevy and a number of established and newly formed social enterprises.

Brighton & Hove, Vic Borrill, UnLtd Future Pioneer and Director of Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, the first Gold Sustainable Food Place in the UK says,

“Food has never been so important. It is a lens for understanding and tackling the most complex and knotty of problems. Food will play a vital role in finding solutions to the key issues which face our city: the food poverty crisis, the health crisis, the biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis. And on top of that, food has magical powers to bring people together – a key part of our food strategy vision is becoming ‘The city that cooks and eats together’.”  

Programme of Events

How Has A Pandemic Changed The Way We Feed A City?

Fri 22 Jan 12.00-13.00 Livestreamed interactive panel discussion
Fri 29 Jan 11.00-12.30 Online case Studies & open discussion

How Can Good Quality Local Food Flow To Every Resident Of A City Like Brighton & Hove?

Fri 5 Feb 12.00-13.00 Livestreamed interactive panel discussion
Fri 12 Feb 11.00-12.30 Online case Studies & open discussion

What Is Urban Growing Good For?

Fri 5 Mar 12.00-13.00 Livestreamed interactive panel discussion
Fri 12 Mar 11.00-12.30 Online case Studies & open discussion

What Next For The Fair Food Story?

Fri 26 Mar 12.00-13.00 Livestreamed interactive panel discussion
Fri 9 Apr 11.00-12.30 Online case Studies & open discussion