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Get your candidates talking about the social economy

Get your candidates talking about the social economy

By UnLtd employee, UnLtd position

The General Election is now only a few weeks away and candidates are out and about knocking on doors and putting forward their pitch on why you should elect them. They want to know what issues their potential constituents care about and so there's no better chance to tell them what kind of country you'd like to live in.

As you may know UnLtd are a member of the Social Economy Alliance - a coalition of social enterprises, co-operatives, charities and community groups who believe that another way of doing business is possible.

We'd like our members to contact their parliamentary candidates asking them to show their support for Britain's growing social economy, and have put together a useful campaign tool to help you easily identify and write to those standing in your area.

All you need to do is enter your postcode and you'll be able to select which candidates you want to contact and then drop them an email.

Click here to contact your candidates

We want this action to be as personalised as you want it to be, so whilst we have a template letter asking candidates to read the Alliance's manifesto and show their support via social media we're keen for you to use it in a way that not only raises the profile of our policy asks but also raises the profile of your social enterprise

If you do get a response from your candidates please let us know by emailing Social Economy.

Our Manifesto for an Inclusive Economy A few weeks ago, we launched our Manifesto for an Inclusive Economy - an ambitious and optimistic analysis of what the social economy can do for the country and the ways in which the next government can help it thrive. You can read our manifesto here.

Other campaigning actions As well as the online campaigning action, we've also put together a template letter for your local press and some sample social media content which can be accessed on the Alliance website.

This election is a chance to shine a spotlight on the outstanding work that you do. Through your work, you're already solving some of the biggest challenges we face - reducing inequalities, empowering communities and changing lives. Now's the time to get the social economy noticed!